Case Studies
The case studies provide insights into the perceptions of community stakeholders about the environment, leadership, and embeddedness of the three arts organizations. The purpose of the case studies is to illustrate and showcase these narratives within the following inquiry: how do the organizations serve as networked leaders and stewards of economic, political, social, and cultural development within East Oakland? Case studies provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of Black women leaders in the arts whose organizations are embedded within and directly serving communities of color.
The case studies culminate and synthesize the interview project. From June to December 2023, Dr. Wells conducted interviews with community stakeholders who had connections to the arts organizations. From January to May 2024, Dr. Wells transcribed, validated, and conducted qualitative data analysis coding of completed interviews. The main themes to emerge include: Building a Black Arts Institution and Stewarding Black Cultural Resilience. Synthesis of the data and sample direct quotes reflect insights from community stakeholders, as well as a resonant snapshot of the progress and impact of Black women-led arts organizations in contemporary society.